Timothy Gentle - Sarazil

Computer Software Expert

E-Mail: sarazil@sarazil.me.uk

Tel: (+44) 7780 964 968 - Digital Contact Card

Mastodon: Sarazil

£30/hour for individuals.

£40/hour for businesses.

Short phone consultancy, free.

Basic Online Security

This information is here as many of my clients are of an older generation, and struggle with online scams.

Banks, internet service providers, and the police, will never request access to your computer by phone.

If anyone asks for any personal details, always double check they are who they say they are.

If you recieve a text message or e-mail from your bank asking you to call a number, look up the bank's number online, and contact them through that number instead.

If someone is aggressively demanding you stay on the phone with them, or being rude to you, be suspicious.

If you are unsure, you can always call me for free regarding potential scams.